Most offices already have the required hardware and software for CM/ECF. However, there may be a few additional items you will need to get started. To operate CM/ECF, you must have the following hardware/software:
1. Personal Computer
Computer with a 233MHz processor or higher (Pentium processor recommended). Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Service Pack 3 (SP3), Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, or Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1). 128MB of Memory or more. 10GB Hard drive or more with 1GB free. 15" SVGA Display or better. Microsoft Mouse, IntelliMouse or compatible pointing device.
2. Case Filing
Windows based petition or word processing software.
3. Internet Access
Connect through an Internet Service Provider (ISP), using point-to-point protocol (PPP). If using a modem, a minimum connection speed of 56kps is needed. High-speed Internet access is highly recommended, but not required. (i.e. cable modems, DSL, etc.) Note: Connection can be made at speeds less than the recommended 56kps. However, system performance may be less than optimal (i.e. slow response time and access).
4. Web Browser
Internet Explorer 11 or Mozilla Firefox Up to version 53 or Safari Up to version 10.1
5. Adobe Acrobat
CM/ECF requires documents to be filed in portable document format (PDF). Adobe Acrobat PDF Writer Software converts documents from word processor format to PDF. Acrobat Writer versions 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, & 6.x adequately meet the CM/ECF filing requirements.
Note: This is something you will have to purchase - downloading from the Internet only gives you Acrobat Reader and will not allow you to convert documents. Adobe Acrobat Reader can be used to view, print and download documents only, it cannot be used for creating or converting documents. Adobe Acrobat Reader is available for download FREE at Adobe® Acrobat Reader website.
6. Scanner
For paper only documents which are not stored in a software format.
(Such as exhibits)
Note: Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
Available ISPs can be found by looking through the Yellow Pages under "Internet". The providers listed throughout the Yellow Pages can assist you in answering any questions you may have and finding a solution that works for you.