MANDATORY USE OF Electronic Evidence Submission Application (EESA)
- On August 1, 2012, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Tennessee made the submission of evidence electronically mandatory for all evidence used in trial, hearing or at the motion docket.
- Electronic evidence must be submitted using the “Electronic Evidence Submission Application,” known as “EESA.”
- The EESA application is accessed through CM/ECF.
- In conjunction with EESA, the Court approved procedures known as “E-Evidence Procedures” (cited as “EEP”).
- Electronic Evidence Order
- Electronic Evidence Submission Application (EESA) Guide UPDATED 7/30/2024
- Electronic Evidence Procedures - (EEP)
Things to Know
- EESA is intended to be intuitive for those accustomed to using the paperless, filing system known as CM/ECF.
- Similar to loading documents for filing to CM/ECF, the EESA application will require that any and all documentary evidence be converted to one of the allowable formats indicated in EEP.
- EESA will prompt the user to “Browse” for the exhibit(s) and attach them.
- Make sure all exhibits are converted and saved on your computer or laptop before submitting those exhibits. Otherwise, EESA will not accept unknown formats, i.e., WordPerfect or Word documents, without conversion of documents in those formats.
- PLEASE make sure to read the EEP as the procedures indicate how documents should be named before submitting any electronic exhibits. Failure to use correct naming conventions will give you an error message and not allow you to continue and submit exhibits.