Chapter 13: In-Person versus Virtual Participation:
The following guidelines apply regarding in-person versus virtual participation for the regular Chapter 13 motion dockets:
1. The presiding judge and Chapter 13 Trustee will be present in the Nashville courtroom.
2. Participation via Zoom video will be limited to the following uncontested situations:
(a) Announcements of settlements occurring after the “no call” list is published for the Chapter 13 motion docket; and
(b) Requested continuances agreed upon by movant(s) and respondent(s). (The Chapter 13 Trustee must also agree if the requested continuance has any potential impact on payments by the debtor(s), disbursements by the Trustee, or the terms or implementation of a proposed or confirmed plan.)
3. If a matter does not fall within one of the categories where Zoom video participation is allowed, the Court will expect in-person participation unless otherwise allowed by Court order.
Chapter 12 Cases:
Because the Chapter 13 Trustee also serves as trustee in Chapter 12 cases, all Chapter 12 cases will be handled utilizing the same motion docket schedule and process as Chapter 13 cases. Cookeville and Columbia Division cases will be heard in Nashville in conjunction with the Chapter 13 cases involving those Divisions. Chapter 12 cases may be heard either prior to or at the conclusion of Chapter 13 cases, at the discretion of the presiding judge based on the extent of argument and proof expected.
Columbia/Cookeville Chapter 7 Cases:
The Chapter 7 motion dockets for Columbia and Cookeville Division cases will be conducted at the same time as the Columbia and Cookeville Chapter 13 motion dockets – normally the second Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. for Cookeville and the third Wednesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. for Columbia. The presiding judge for a particular motion docket will determine whether to call the Chapter 7 cases prior to or following the Chapter 13 cases, depending on the volume and nature of the outstanding matters. Also, preliminary hearings on stay relief matters may sometimes be set on a Nashville Chapter 7/11 motion docket if necessary to accommodate statutory hearing timing requirements.
As with Chapter 13 cases, Cookeville and Columbia expedited or emergency motions in Chapter 7 cases pursuant to LBR 9075-1 may be set on a Nashville Division motion docket if requested by movant and if sufficient justification is provided in the motion.