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3.9.2 Statements and Schedules

There are a number of CM/ECF dictionary events to choose from when filing statements and schedules. Statements and schedules may be filed as either an “original” (first time) filing, an “amendment” (a change to an existing schedule that has been filed), or a “conversion” (a new set of schedules because a case is converted to Chapter 7 from a previous chapter). 

The selection list and location of CM/ECF dictionary schedule and statements events are found under:

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Make sure that the correct selection is made at the time of filing a statement or schedule. Pursuant to ECF Procedure 4, Filers are responsible for selecting the correct CM/ECF dictionary event. By not choosing the correct CM/ECF dictionary event, a Filer runs the risk of the Court and/or Clerk taking no action on the document that was filed.